< Verso

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I remember nearly every time I’ve spent the night
at Broad. I used to do it quite often before final
crits, especially in my first couple years before I
figured out time management.

I’ve slept in the Beginning Painting classroom, on
the small platform where the still-lives are
arranged. I’ve spent the night in front of the
Desma office. There’s a small couch on the
fourth floor landing, the issue with the fourth floor
is not that the couch is uncomfortable, it’s that
the light near the bathrooms is on a timer, and,
as the old song goes, it never goes out.

I’ve sat around in the Beginning New Genres crit
space waiting for morning to come, rushed to some
other class, and came back for my crit. I’ve waited
with Kavi in Digi all night trying to edit a video (we
ordered pizza at around 10:00 pm). There used to be a
very comfortable but very dingy couch, in the
viewing room by Dean’s office— I think Brian took
it out of there a couple years ago.